About Bribie Island Tennis Club

Below you will find some information about the club and it's activities. Please contact us if you have any questions.

tennis Court Hire Bribie Island

Court Hire

Court Hire is usually available 7 days a week.

Contact the club on 0447 122 328

Tennis Court Hire fees are as follows:


Day = $10.00 per hour

Night = $15.00 per hour

Non Members:

Day = $20.00 per hour

Night = $25.00 per hour

Bribie Island Tennis Coaching

Tennis coaching programs are provided by Holloway’s Tennis Coaching at the Bribie Island Tennis Club – 70 Sunderland Drive, Banksia Beach.

Contact  Holloway’s Tennis Coaching   or 0414989280 or bitc1922@gmail.com

Social Tennis

If you are looking for a social game, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, a social morning of tennis is held.

On Monday and Wednesday mornings play starts at 6.30am in the Summer and 7.00am in the Winter. On Friday mornings play starts at 7.00am in the Summer and 7.30am in the Winter (June, July & August).

The Friday session is for players with some previous experience. Members share morning tea on the last Friday of each month after tennis.

Tuesday evening social tennis starts at 6.30pm. Court fees remain very low and everyone is welcome.

You can now book a court online!

  • Select your time and day
  • Make your payment
  • You’ll be sent a code to open
    the gate of the tennis court!
Book a tennis court online